About » Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees 2022-23

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees manages Lake Country School, a non-profit corporation. The board has up to eighteen members, including the principal, staff, parents, and community members, who support the school’s philosophy and goals. Read the LCS Strategic Plan here

Board members serve terms of three years. Their tenure is staggered to maintain a balance of experienced and new members. The board is self-perpetuating with new members nominated by the Governance Committee and elected by the board. If you would like to serve on the board or nominate someone to serve, please contact the principal or any board member and the name will be forwarded to the Governance Committee. Potential board members are generally expected to have served for at least a year on a board committee or other school organization such as Family Connect, or to have another demonstrated commitment to the school. Non-board member parents/guardians are invited and encouraged to serve on any board committee except for the Executive Committee. Board meetings are open and usually held on the third Thursday of each month. 

2023-24 Board Members

Kate Thulin, Chair
Board Vice Chair Kate Thulin

Ben Moudry, ex-officio, non-voting
Ben Moudry

Candy Husemoller, staff, non-voting
Candy Husemoller

John Coskran
John Coskran

Rory Duggan
Rory Duggan

Jennifer Fallon
Jennifer Fallon

Leslie Grant
Leslie Grant

Chris Hewitt
Chris Hewitt

Bobby Jardin
Bobby Jardin

Jason Jennings
Jason Jennings

Jenny Lee
Jenny Lee

Sarah Jean Mason Mitchell
Sarah Jean Mason Mitchell

Soma Nikhanj
Soma Nikhanj

Kevin Ueland
Kevin Ueland

Jeff Weiss

Jeff Weiss Head Shot
Grace Glenny


Building, Grounds & Sustainability Committee

Jason Jennings, Chair
The Building, Grounds, and Sustainability Committee is responsible for studying and developing the long-term plans of the school regarding its building and grounds.  The committee sets standards for aesthetics, monitors insurance coverage, and reviews code and safety standard compliance.  With the Facilities Manager, the committee also evaluates, prioritizes and coordinates maintenance work, ongoing construction, and building improvements.  All work done by this committee will be developed and implemented with the goal of promoting environmental sustainability - including energy efficiency, conservation of natural resources, and a reduced waste stream - thereby minimizing the LCS carbon footprint. 

Development Committee

Sarah Jean Mason Mitchell, Chair
The Development Committee plans, oversees and coordinates fund raising activities at Lake Country School, including the annual fund, auction, endowment building efforts, and planned giving. The Development Committee also writes, monitors and reviews development policies and procedures as needed.

Equity and Justice Committee

Jennifer Fallon, Chair 
Sarah Reichert, Chair (Non-Board Member)
The Equity and Justice Committee is responsible for facilitating and supporting the achievement of the school’s commitment to diversity. That commitment encompasses creating an educational community that strives to mirror the rich diversity of economic and social classes, racial and ethnic heritages, physical abilities, religious beliefs, and family structures found in society at large. The committee works with the staff, parents and board to provide materials and guidance. Visit the We Must Act page for updates on equity and justice at LCS. 

Endowment Investment Committee

John Coskran, Chair
The Lake Country Endowment Fund was established by the Board of Trustees in 2001 to enhance the long-term financial security of the school. The board is responsible for determining how funds distributed from the endowment are to be used (e.g. increasing tuition assistance, faculty professional development). The Endowment Investment Committee is responsible for managing the endowment fund in accordance with the investment criteria established by the Board in its endowment fund investment policy. The committee oversees the endowment fund investment portfolio and reports to the Board on a regular basis.

Executive Committee

Kate Thulin, Chair
This committee is comprised of the chair of the Board, vice-chair, treasurer, secretary, school principal, and two at-large Board members. Its responsibilities are to set the Board agenda and be available as a sounding board for the school's principal.

Finance Committee

Chris Hewitt, Chair
The Finance Committee with the principal is responsible for developing the school’s budget and tuition schedule and recommending approval to the Board of Trustees. The Finance Committee also monitors expenses and provides financial information to other committees of the Board as needed. 

Governance Committee

Kevin Ueland, Chair
The Governance Committee is responsible for ongoing review and recommendations to enhance the quality of the Board of Trustees. The work of the committee revolves around four major areas: board roles, responsibilities and structure, composition and leadership, development and effectiveness. The Governance Committee designates a Board liaison to oversee tuition assistance awards and make recommendations to the Board regarding tuition assistance policies and also designates a Board liaison to Parent Link.