Lake Country School Home

A Montessori school serving age 3 to 8th grade

Kindergarten child working on numbers activity with guide

Lake Country School is a Montessori learning environment that fosters independence, critical thinking, and creativity within each child. We are a community that promotes diversity and inclusion, as well as respect and responsibility to self, to others, and to the earth.

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LCS Chooses Finalsite

Bringing the website, communication strategy, admissions, and enrollment process to 2024, LCS goes with tech company Finalsite that specializes in independent education
Graphic of a hand scrolling a phone, staying connected to the goings-on

New Tuesday Memo form

A form is now available to submit announcements or events you would like included in the weekly Tuesday Memos, which arrive in your email inbox.

LCS Community Pledge

Wisdom Day 2022
We are a community that trusts one another.
We respect each other, the environment, and the community’s guidelines for living well together.
We will be honest with others, friendly and open, and will participate fully in the community.
We will develop good habits by using appropriate language and by being responsible for our work and respectful towards it.
We will notice children who are younger than we are and be a good model for them.
We agree to be peaceful and to do our best to achieve our goals.
-LCS Council of Children