Outdoor Learning Environments » Back Lot Turf

Back Lot Turf

From Wood Chips to a Recycled Recyclable Synthetic Turf

What do Lake Country School students remember most about the back lot?
  • Rolling massive snow balls
  • Playing soccer at recess
  • Pretending upside down benches are sleds
  • PE class
  • Basketball games
  • The 6th grade vs staff softball game AND


Over the course of 4 weeks in the summer of 2014, the wood chips were removed and a recycled recyclable synthetic turf field was installed. The XGrass Super Lawn Elite was installed on top of 380 tons of gravel, 10.2 tons of sand and a ¾ inch pad made of recycled material. There are 1.5 lbs of reusable Envirofill per square foot. This means no black pellets sticking to socks or tracked into school.


Special thanks to XGrass for their speedy install and to all our generous parents, staff and alumni whose donations to last year’s Fund-A-Need made this project possible. The students are enjoying the new turf during PE class and recess, commenting on how soft it is and how the balls don’t take crazy hops like they used to on the wood chips, hooray!