Now Enrolling for Fall 2023!

Lake Country School has a handful of openings for the 2023-2024 academic year and is therefore still accepting applications! Here are a few reasons we receive applications this close to the start of the school year:
  1. Your child is looking for a Montessori prepared environment that nurtures the intellectual, emotional, social, physical, and spiritual potential of the whole child.

  2. Your child is ready for a self-directed learning environment.

  3. Your family is ready for a community-oriented education experience. 

  4. You love the idea of your child feeling ownership over their education.

  5. You see your child thriving in a peaceful, supportive, compassionate, and welcoming community where the understanding of and respect for differences lead to appreciation, self‐reflection, and personal growth.

  6. You would like your child to be a model citizen of a global community, prepared for life.

  7. You share the belief expressed by Dr. Maria Montessori that within each child lies the fate of the future.

  8. You see the benefit in your child learning through purposeful activity carried out in developmentally appropriate urban and rural environments where the choice of meaningful work is expected and respected.

  9. You imagine your child belonging in a learning community where they are embraced and feel a sense of belonging.

  10. You want what is best for your child.