What do LCS Alumni have to say about an LCS education?
“LCS is the core. Then you can go and do anything.” —LCS Alum at Life After LCS event
Last week, was the first-ever Life After LCS alumni panel discussion. The parents/caregivers who attended were impressed by the alumni and grateful to be able to hear their stories. The event was powerful, informative, honest, and inspiring. Below are some meaningful quotes from the alumni to give you a sense of the impact an LCS education had on their lives.
“All the travel sent me off into the world and made me feel like I could go anywhere and do anything.”
“When you sign up for LCS you are signing up for a culture of participation . . . every corner I turned there was always an avenue to push myself a little further.”
“I was not treated as a child. I was treated as a person.”
“Adults had high expectations for me, so I had high expectations for myself in a positive way.”
Thank you to the families who were able to attend and for sharing their appreciation for the alumni and what they shared. Here are some of the compliments and thank yous from the parents and caregivers:
“I have children who are in 8th grade and have been here since 3 years old. Hearing all of you has made me feel really great about what they will do and what they can do, and no matter what they do they will be OK”
“Everything that has been said tonight has felt really authentic. What you shared has been helpful to me. As a parent of a 6th grader I have been trying to imagine what the next years look like for him, so thank you for that.”
“You all clearly have respect for yourselves, the audience, and each other. The thread of curiosity . . . and working through challenges was part of each of your stories. It seems like that is what everyone gets at LCS.”