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LCS Gives Week Featuring a Silent Auction!

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March 9-16

We’ve enjoyed an exceptional start to the second half of our school year here at Lake Country School! With Junior High Interim coming to a rousing conclusion this week with four performances of Mary Poppins: The Musical, the Class E Clothing Drive in full swing, visits to the capitol and activism in the E2 level, and new bonds forming over curiosity and learning in Children’s House, there’s no better time to be a member of the LCS community.


LCS Gives Week is a week-long recognition of all the things that make Lake Country School special and a concentrated effort to reach our fundraising goals—March 9-16!

LCS Gives Week includes:

  • Free LCS socks for everyone!
  • Treats, activities, and a special assembly for students
  • Family and adult get-togethers
  • Classroom gifts from the Elementary and Junior High
  • Highly coveted Children’s House self-portrait t-shirts and sweatshirts

And, new this year:

  • An online silent auction
  • Spring and summer Great Gatherings

All proceeds from the auction will benefit LCS.

We are currently seeking Great Gatherings, items, services, and experiences to feature in the silent auction. These items can be big or small, ranging from a gift card to your favorite restaurant, tickets to a sporting event or concert, a weekend at a cabin or vacation house, or anything else you can dream of. We are also lucky to have experiences unique to Lake Country School, including foraging for mushrooms at the Land School, sleepovers at the Urban Campus, and photo sessions. You can view last year’s auction catalog to get inspiration, should you need it!

We are also seeking volunteers to serve on an auction committee to work alongside the Board of Trustees’ Development Committee. If you are interested in helping solicit auction items, brainstorm ideas of who to ask or what to ask for, or keep things organized on the back end, please contact me as soon as possible.

Stay tuned for more information as LCS Gives Week grows closer, and please let me know if you have any questions! Let the fun begin!

To donate to the auction, please fill out this form